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Friday, May 24, 2013

Our Journey

I am so overwhelmed by the love of God and how He cares for His people. The past six weeks my husband and I were traveling both the West and East Coast of America. It was a long, adventure filled time. A growing, stretching, challlenging and refreshing time. We were in America to connect with new and previously established partnerships and relationships with us, dare2serve and 9941 media. 

In October 2012, The Lord said now is the time to a call that has been on my husband's life for many years...full time ministry. We had been married 5months when this came about. What going full time meant was following and obeying The Lord but there were no finances coming from Rob if we were to do that. So that would mean somehow we would live off of my salary. That is not an easy task to say the least. However, during the time that God was speaking to Rob, He was ever so faithfully speaking to me too. I could see that my husband was wrestling with The Lord and it was so difficult not to just go to him and say...Hey it's ok, God's told me what we're about to do too. Lets do it. Rather I had to wait for The Lord and Rob to do their thing and for Rob to come to me when he was ready. (This is an awesome lesson I am learning in my marriage.) So, Rob did finally come to me and with out a doubt I told him The Lord had given me peace and that this is what we were going to do. Take note that this was NOT the response my husband was expecting from me. You see, in my very natural self I am an absolute control freak, with my 5-10year plan for everything. However, God had prepared me and done a work in me so that i could support and love my husband that way he was going to need me to. So we took a step of faith and Rob went full time. 

While in America, we had very mixed responses from people but the most common was avoidance. Avoiding eye contact in fear of having to be the one to give or support. This was very difficult for Rob and I to understand, deal with, and respond to. However, God began to show Rob how he and we do that in our lives all the time. We avoid eye contact with the beggar on the street corner or the child at the traffic light. We avoid that feeling of being the one to give and sacrifice something. This was vital for The Lord to reveal to us during our time for many reasons. The most important though was the understanding that in our human nature we are all the same, SELFISH!!! I have to say that that is not always an easy realization. I know that for me as a wife I have been learning that intensely over the past year and it is rough. But it is also full of joy and life when we die to ourselves daily. So we now had an understanding and realization that we are exactly the same. 

As we began the end of our journey in Doylestown, Pennsylvania we felt deflated and finished. We were ready to go home but not for any other reason than we were at the end of ourselves. However, God had many surprises in store for us at the very end. The Lord revealed how HE had placed us on peoples hearts halft way across the world that didn't even know us. Many of them had never met Rob or myself, yet The Lord had revealed something to them about how they could serve HIm and bring HIm glory. All the details of our last week are extremely overwhelming and humbling. But the wonderful part is that God broke us down so that as He poured out His blessing and provision we would have no doubt that it came from HIM and HIM alone. Yes, He used people but it was all Him, not Rob or I, not dare2serve or 9941media...JESUS!!!!!!!! 

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